South County Kids

  • Scripture Memorization Resource

    This is a resource for you and your family to memorize the word of God. The Bible has 66 books, and it can be difficult to find what scriptures to memorize or where to begin. We have put together 10 scriptures to start with that will encourage you in your walk with the Lord.

    Download Here

  • BGMC (Boys and Girls missionary challenge

    Inspiring the next generation into contagious compassion.

    BGMC is the missions education program for all kids in the Assemblies of God. BGMC equips kids to know, care, pray, give, and to reach the lost. They have a two-fold purpose: to reach the children of the world with the love of Jesus and to create a heart of compassion in kids.

    BGMC weeks at SCC:  August 25, September 22, October 27, November 24, December 29


    South County Church provides a safe and love place for children age 0-2 while parents are attending the worship service with peace of mind. 

  • PReschool Lessons

    Preschoolers will build a solid foundation in the Bible that sticks with them through life with this fun curriculum that journeys from Genesis to Revelation.

    The Beginning

    Lesson 1 - Our Journey Begins

    Lesson 2 - God is My Creator

    Lesson 3 - Adam and Eve Sin

    Lesson 4 - God Judges Sin

    God's Call

    Lesson 1 - Abraham and Isaac Trust God

    Lesson 2 - Jacob, Esau, and God's Plan

    Lesson 3 - Joseph Forgives His Brothers

    Stepping Out

    Lesson 1 - The Exodus from Egypt

    Lesson 2 - Israelites in the Wilderness

    Lesson 3 - The Ten Commandments

    Lesson 4 - Joshua and the Promised Land

    Set Apart

    Lesson 1 - God Calls Gideon

    Lesson 2 - Ruth and Boaz

    Lesson 3 - Samuel Listens to God

    Lesson 4 - Israel Demands a King

    Purposeful Living

    Lesson 1 - David and Goliath

    Lesson 2 - Solomon Chooses Wisdom

    Lesson 3 - Elijah vs. Baal's Prophets

    Lesson 4 - Elisha and the Widow

    Perfect Timing

    Lesson 1 - Jonah Goes to Nineveh

    Lesson 2 - Daniel in the Lions' Den

    Lesson 3 - Esther and the King

    Lesson 4 - Nehemiah Rebuild the Wall

    Encountering Jesus

    Lesson 1 - Jesus is Born

    Lesson 2 - Jesus Heals a Women

    Lesson 3 - Jesus Teaches How to Live

    Lesson 4 - The Prodigal Son

    My Savior

    Lesson 1 - The Last Supper

    Lesson 2 - Jesus Dies on the Cross

    Lesson 3 - Jesus is Risen

    Lesson 4 - Jesus Sends Us

    New Direction

    Lesson 1 - Baptism in the Holy Spirit

    Lesson 2 - The Church Begins

    Lesson 3 - Saul on the Damascus Road

    Lesson 4 - Paul and Silas in Prison

    Finishing Strong

    Lesson 1 - Timothy Learns from God

    Lesson 2 - Faith and Works

    Lesson 3 - Jesus is Coming Back

    Lesson 4 - New Heaven and New Earth

  • Current Kids Church lessons (age 6-6th grade)

    Kids Church event Large Game Sunday

    October 13

    The Life of Jesus

    The Life of Jesus 12-Week Children’s Ministry Curriculum

    Teach kids that we can follow Jesus’ example and live as He did. In this series, kids will study Jesus' life from beginning to end to get a better understanding of who Jesus is and why we can trust him as our Savior. 



    The Life of Jesus Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview


    “Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” John 14:6 NIrV  


    Jesus Was Born – Jesus came to earth as a baby born to parents who were so poor that he had to be born in a barn for animals. Because Jesus is God’s son, he deserved to be born in the nicest palace to the richest family.  But by choosing to let his son be born in a barn, God showed us that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done, God loves you and sent Jesus for you. Luke 2:1-20, The Birth of Jesus

    Jesus Studied God’s Word – Jesus set an example for kids by studying God’s Word.  Even though he was the son of God, he still studied God’s word to learn what it says and obeyed what God taught him. Luke 2:41-52, The Boy Jesus in the Temple

    Jesus Was Obedient – John the Baptist told other people about the coming Savior. When Jesus came to him to be baptized, John knew that the Savior arrived. Kids will learn that Jesus set an example for us by being obedient to God when he was baptized.  Jesus taught us that we show God we love Him when we obey Him. Matthew 3:1-17, The Baptism of Jesus

    Jesus Never Sinned – Every single one of us has sinned at some point when we were tempted. As the Son of God, Jesus is the only person in history who lived a perfect life without sin. Kids will learn that with Jesus' help, we can resist temptation too. Luke 4:1-13, The Temptation of Jesus. 

    Jesus Called His Disciples – When Jesus began his ministry, he asked 12 men to be his disciples and to follow in his footsteps and learn from his teaching and his actions. Kids will learn that even today Jesus wants us to be his disciples and commit to following him by obeying what he has taught us in the Bible. Mark 1:16-20, Calling the First Disciples

    Jesus Preached – Jesus gave many sermons during his ministry, teaching people a different way to live and telling them that we could never do enough good things to go to heaven, but that God loves us and will forgive our sins if we will believe in Jesus as our Savior. Kids will identify something they would have to do differently to live like Jesus describes in this sermon. Matthew 5:1-16, The Sermon on the Mount

    Jesus Calmed a Storm – When a storm threatened to sink the small boat that Jesus and the disciples were sailing in, Jesus commanded the storm to stop. And it did! We can trust Jesus with any problem, because He is powerful.  Kids will name something that they want to ask and trust God to help them with. Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Calms the Storm

    Jesus Healed – Because of his great love and compassion, Jesus healed many people that He encountered during his time on earth. One of them was a man who did not have the ability to walk. Kids will learn that Jesus loves us and cares about each of us. Luke 5:17-26, Jesus Heals a Paralytic

    Jesus Came To Bring Peace – When Jesus entered Jerusalem the week before he was crucified, he rode on a donkey.  The donkey was a symbol of a king who came in peace.  Jesus showed us that he came in peace to let the world know how much God loves us.  Kids will name one way that knowing Jesus loves them gives them peace right now. Matthew 21:1-11, The Triumphal Entry

    Jesus Paid the Price for Sin – Jesus was arrested even though he had done nothing wrong. He was sentenced to die a very painful death on the cross.  We have all sinned and don’t deserve to be in Heaven with God.  Jesus was the only person who never sinned and deserved to go to heaven without dying, but he chose to die in this way to pay the price for our sin so we could go to heaven too.  Kids will thank God for dying for their sin.  Matthew 26:47-56, Luke 23:32-47, Jesus Arrest and Crucifixion

    Jesus Rose from the Dead! – Jesus died for our sins, but on the third day He was raised back to life in power! Kids will learn that because Jesus paid the price for our sin and has power over sin and death we can live forever with him in heaven.  Kids will be given an opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior. John 20:1-23, The Resurrection

    Jesus Will Return – Jesus told his followers that he would be coming back to earth, but that their job and our job until then was to to tell people how much God loves them, and to make new disciples of Jesus.  Jesus wants us to share the good news of Jesus with other people so that when he returns to earth there will be many more people who believe that He is the Savior.  Kids will name 1 person they are going to invite to church to hear about Jesus this week. Matthew 28:16-20, The Great Commission

  • Kids Night Christmas Party

    6pm-8:30pm, Friday, December 6, 2024

    Age 4 to 6th Grade

    Sign up here.

  • Baby Dedication

    Next Baby Dedication will be May 11, 2025

    The purpose of child dedication is for parents to present their child before God and the church, committing to raise them by the guiding of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. If you would like to dedication your baby please let us know by signing up here.

  • kids camp 2025 (age 8-6th grade)

    Information will be updated as soon as we receive it. 

    July 2025 at Pine Creek Camp, Gore, VA

    We will leave the Church office on Monday at 9am on Monday. Please make sure your child has a packed lunch for on the way to camp. 

    Campers will return to the Church office Friday around 2pm.
    Estimated Cost is $300 per child plus what ever you would like to put on their money card for spending money during the week.

    A $50 deposit for each child that attends will be due at sign up.  Please either bring Irene Vazquez a check or you can pay online at with the selected designation "Kids Activities."  


    Children must be at least 8 and no older then 12 by the first day of camp to attend.  

    Please make sure the following is returned fully filled out. 

    • Camper Registration
    • Medical Form
    • Copy of Medical Insurance Card
    • Minor Participant Waiver, Release Form
    • SCC Parent Consent and Liability Release Form


    If you have any question please contact Irene at

    Please note if we are unable to secure enough chaperones, this will impact the number of kids able to attend camp.  If you are interested in becoming a chaperone, please contact us ASAP so we can get your application completed. 

    Registration Packet

    Chaperone Application

  • Permission Slip

    A permission slip is required to attend all children's events and/or to ride on the church vans. One permission slip is good for the whole year. 2024 Permission Slip